This is TCM

Recognize Loss Of Shunt conditions and other critical track anomalies before it affects the integrity of your Train Control System

→ introduction

→ implementation

→ how it works

→ image gallery

→ announcing TCM V3.5

Rail IT’s Track Circuit Monitoring server validates the train detection system (Track Circuits, Switches, TWC) systemwide once every second, 3,600 times an hour, 24/7, 365 days a year.

TCM sends alerts to Line Controllers and Signalling Maintenance within 15s of an anomaly detection.

TCM References (presence and future)


WMATA believes there is tremendous benefit to the industry in standardizing a platform to increase use and knowledge base of this valuable technology amongst all rail transit authorities.

Nick Croce, Deputy Chief Engineer, WMATA, 2016
The CTA has found the TCM tool to be a valuable addition to our arsenal of systems that provide a layered approach to ensuring that CTA maintains the highest possible levels of safety
Michael Lowder, Chief Signaling Engineer, Chicago Transit, 2018

The TCM tool has changed the culture at CTA between Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering – improving communication and collaboration across departments

Jim Harper, Chief Engineer, Infrastructure, Chicago Transit, 2019
The TCM Tool is more sensitive than the existing system and has allowed ATC/ Maintenance departments to see beyond what Rail Control reports.  The tool is able to detect false occupancies, LOS and bobbles [false occupancies] at time intervals that Rail Control could potentially miss.  The secondary dedicated monitoring system provides more detail that leads to more predictability.  This predictability allows for early detection of anomalies, which improves track circuit reliability and transportation safety.”
MARTA Logo smJohn ‘Tim’ Elsberry, Director Maintenance of Way , MARTA Atlanta, 2019

“The introduction of the TCM system led to a tremendous improvement of communication and coordination between Dispatchers [Line Controllers] and MOW staff especially in situations, when time is of the essence.”

RTD LogoK.M., Chief Engineer SCADA, Denver RTD, 2020