Rail IT, APTA and the TRB – specifically the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) – have a history of support and collaboration.
Rail IT involvement in APTA initiatives includes:
- Participation in Rail Transit Standards committee meetings to develop, review/update, and release consensus based standards for rail transit and commuter rail operations, maintenance, procurement and ITS.
- Development, review/update, and release of APTA Recommended Practice Documents
- Contributing to APTA Annual Conferences with Presentations and Panel Discussions.
Rail IT’s involvement with the Transit Collaborative Research Program of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) includes presentations on TRB Annual Meetings as well as proposal development and award acceptance with successful delivery of Grant Programs for Track Circuit Monitoring and Alert Systems.

Rail IT Participation
APTA Standards DevelopmentParticipation in Rail Transit Standards committee meetings to develop, review/update, and release consensus based standards for rail transit and commuter rail operations, maintenance, procurement and ITS.

Rail IT Research and Development
Transit Cooperative Research ProgramsThe Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) is an applied, contract research program that develops practical solutions to problems facing transit agencies. TRB awarded Transit Program Grants to Rail IT.

Rail IT Presenting
Speaker on APTA ConferencesSpeaker and Presenter on APTA Annual Conferences with Presentations and Panel Discussions on Wayside Signaling Standards, Safety Technologies, and Best Practices.